Sunday 28 September 2014

new room ideas 💖

hey guys!
Sorry I haven't posted a blog in ages but I'm back ☺️

I'm going to be decorating my room soon (hopefully before Christmas) and I'm going to put some pictures below of what sort of style I was planning on going for :)
(My photo) these are super cute! I was thinking of having some of these on my dressing table or window sill :-) 

(My photo) And obviously it's winter, so I'll be needing some candles of course ;-)

White bed sheets are the one 💖💖

This is also super cute! I really want one of these canopy things! They're adorable :-) 

So yeah, it's been a short post but I just need to put something up hehe :-) 

If you know any places where I can get anything vintage looking, white dressing Tables etc... Just leave all your comments below! :-) thanks guys xoxo

Monday 1 September 2014

my trip to Whitby🚗✨

Last week I stayed in Whitby and went to different places and took loads of photos... So these are some of the photos I took 👇💗 

On The Way To Whitby Town : 

Whitby do the best ice creams😍🍦
and the beach is so perfect & clean, but the day I went it was very cold so I couldn't really go in the sea haha 🌊⛅️
Robin Hoods Bay : 

York :
This sandwich from Starbucks was beautifullllll + banana yoghurt frappuccino.

Frozen Yoghurtttt🍧✨
 My new fave shop✨🍥

Random Photos :
I do have a lot more photos, but these are my favourites :-) 
I really do want to go back there, and maybe live in york *hint hint mom and dad* haha, maybe when I'm older...

see you soon xxx

purchases from york

last week I went on holiday to Whitby, and Saturday before coming home, we went to york for the day.
I bought a few things, beauty / hygiene and food wise.

I'll start of by showing you the food and last of all, I'll show you my fave! 

Peanut and Oat Trek Bar - Holland and Barretts.
I've heard that these are really nice and good for you, I've also seen people on Instagram having them and always wanted to try one :-)

Tea Tree Blemish Stick - Holland and Barretts.
so as I'm a teenager I get ALOT of teenage spots, which everyone hates! I think they look disgusting and whenever they're there, I can't help but mess with them which causes more to breakout👎 (you should never pop or pick a spot as it spreads more bacteria and makes them even worse) so I'm going to try this and see if it helps with my skin.

Facial Hair Removal Cream - Boots

I bought this because it's a lot easier than waxing or shaving, this is mainly for your face, so I use it on my upper lip and maybe sometimes stubborn eyebrow hairs. I've already used this once and it does work really well!
But I recommend you leave it on for about 8 minutes for all those little hairs that just don't want to come off your face haha. DONT LEAVE IT ON FOR ANY LONGER THAN 10 MINUTES! this could cause rashes and burning, also DO NOT wash your face with any sort of soap afterwards, just a splash of cold water :-) also this product comes with a Shea Butter scented cream to put on after you have splashed your face with cold water.

A Collection Of Soaps/Bathbomb - The Yorkshire Soap Company.

OMG! This shop was absolutely amazing! It smelt so nice as soon as I walked in, I instantly fell in love with the slices of cakes (soap)
I can't believe these are handmade! Okay I'm going to stop fan girling over soap and tell you what I got, (in the order of the first picture) ☺️

Chocolate Scented Cupcake
this one smells so nice, exactly like chocolate! Smells good enough to eat but I don't think that would be to good for you though as it's soap haha.

Cherry Bakewell Scented Cake
THIS! Okay, so there were loads of choices such as, chocolate, lemon, strawberries and cream, yorkshire lass, lavender, orange etc but this one had to be my favourite! I love the smell of cherries and this smelt so identical to them I just knew I had to get this one 🍒 

Fresh Berry Bathbomb
So, ill probably be using this one first as all you have to do is pop it in the bath and watch it fizz away, it smells lovely, just like a selection of berries! 

I can't wait to try them all out but they just look to good to use! Especially that cake slice🍰  once I've used them, I'll put another post up, reviewing them :-) I'm sure they'll be great though💗😍

So anyway. That's all I purchased from york but there were loads more shops I would have loved to go in but I just didn't have the time, I suggest if you love shopping and live near yorkshire or are willing to travel then you go to york! They have so many shops it's unreal... I didn't want to come home haha. 

see you soon xxx

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Sunday 31 August 2014

DRY SKIN!! hemp cream works✨

so, I suffer with really bad dry skin on my hands mainly.
But when I satrted using this hemp cream, it went away quite quickly!

To notice results, you do have to use it several times a day or it won't really have an effect...

It does have quite a strong smell, which I found abit off putting, but it's nothing horrible, i just don't really like the smell of Aloe Vera, I would prefer if it smelt like strawberries or chocolate haha.

It's also quite greasy, so I suggest you try and focus on your most dry areas and not get it all over your hands, or maybe some gloves. (I also suggest you put some on before you go to sleep and pop on some white gloves/ not just everyday ones haha, and then when the gloves are on, all the oils will sink in over night) ☺️

Overall though, I do recommend this product as it works wonders ☺️ 

HEMP CREAM - The Body Shop

30ml (travel bottle) - £5.00
100ml - £11.00 

abit about me ♥

First Post

heya, my names meg 
im 14, coming 15 next month woo.
so my blog will just be based around reviews on anything i try out, such as :
  • beauty products
  • hair products
  • fashion
  • places i visit
  • food i try
  • anything i love / hobbies 
  • and there might be a few posts about one direction just because … ONE DIRECTION ♥ ♥ 
so yeah, I'm a directioner haha 

i hope my blog helps you out :-) 

where else to find me:
  • instagram : xmegharris
  • tumblr: xmegharris